Category Archives: Genesis 12-15

Abraham – Following God (Grade 2-3) (Free Sunday School Lessons for Children)

Date Class Scripture Theme
October 4/09 Grade 2-3
Genesis 12-15 Following God (the story of Abraham)

Prepared by: Teresa Klassen

Introducing the big idea (5 Minutes – keep it moving so kids stay tuned in)

Today we are going to talk about a man named Abram and how he trusted God and followed Him. God told Abram to move to a brand new country, and Abram obeyed God and followed Him, even though he didn’t know where he was going.

Are you good at following?

Let’s find out!

Game: Can you follow me?

Have the kids stand in a circle. Begin with one person. That person has to think of three actions to do in a row and they say, “Do this and do this and do this” with each action (for example, they might snap their fingers, tap their head and stomp their foot). And then immediately they do it again and people have to follow. Whoever messes up has to sit down. Move around the circle, with the next person leading the next three actions.

Close: It isn’t always easy to follow,  but we all follow someone or something in some way. We have people we admire, we have people we listen to. Today I want to challenge you to follow what Jesus asks you to do. We are going to learn the lesson starting with a man named Abram. You will find his story in the book of Genesis.

DVD: (3-5 Minutes)

Abram (this DVD walks through Abraham’s journey)

* I don’t recall which video we used, may have been from Read N Share

Retelling the Story (8 Minutes)

* If the weather is bad…you will need to modify this to be an inside thing.

Teaching Tip: To help kids remember the story, ask questions as you go. For example, instead of saying Abram’s name all the time, randomly ask a question like, “God told….hm…what was his name again?” and let the children tell you it was Abram. Do this a few times.  Or reinforce the point by saying, “God told Abram to do what?” That’s right: follow him.

Props needed:  A few Suitcases, each child has a pillow.  For the suitcase, have a teddy bear in one, some plates and cutlery in another, etc. Stop Signs

Jesus invites us to follow Him because He wants to guide our life in a good way.

Some people decide to follow Him, and some people don’t.

What do you think you should do?

The Bible tells us that there was a man named Abram who trusted God and wanted to follow Him.  Let’s pretend where we are sitting now was Abram’s house. Abram liked his house and where he lived; he actually lived in a big tent. He had lots of stuff. But one day, God said to Abram, “I have a wonderful promise for your life. I want you to pack up all your things and move to a different place and then I will show you what I promised you.”

  • Abram could have argued.
  • He could have said no.
  • But Abram didn’t argue with God and he didn’t say no.
  • He trusted God.
  • So when God said, follow me, Abram followed him.

So let’s take our suitcase and our pillows and go to another city, just like Abram did. Abram didn’t know where he was going to end up, he just followed God. (Have the kids follow you, each with a pillow and some carrying the suitcases. Come to the next place that says Stop – by the benches by the fountain). OK. God told Abram to stop and set up camp.

Have the kids unpack and lay out their pillows like they are setting up camp.

Ahhh. It’s nice to not be travelling. Abram set up his new home and was starting to get settled in. I am sure Abram was happy to be happy know what he was going to do today and what he was going to do tomorrow when, God said Abram…I have a wonderful promise for you. I want you to pack up your things and follow me once again.”

  • Abram could have argued.
  • He could have said no.
  • But Abram didn’t argue with God and he didn’t say no.
  • He trusted God.
  • So when God said, follow me, Abram followed him.

(Have the kids pack everything up, and pick up their pillows and move to the next place that says stop and then have the kids unpack and lay out their pillows – inside the foyer.)

This looks right. God said Abram could stop here and set up camp. So Abram set up his new home and was starting to get settled in. When, God said, Abram…I have a wonderful promise for you. I want you to pack up your things and follow me once again.” Abram could have said, “it is just too hard, God. It is too hard to follow you. There are lots of people who don’t follow you.” He could have said that.

  • Abram could have argued.
  • He could have said no.
  • But Abram didn’t argue with God and he didn’t say no.
  • He trusted God.

So when God said, follow me, Abram followed him.

(Have the kids pack everything up, and pick up their pillows and move to the next place that says stop and then have the kids unpack and lay out their pillows – back at the Gazebo.)

Well…God had Abram move lots more times. And every time, Abram didn’t argue. He listened to God and followed Him.  And at the end of Abram’s long, long trip, packing and unpacking, God made a very special promise to Abram that even though he was very, very old and his wife Sarah was very, very old, they were going to have a baby named Isaac. They didn’t even think it was possible to have a baby because they were so old, but God’s promises always come true.

Abram knew that he could trust God’s Word and He could follow God.

Just like Abram, we can trust God’s Word and follow God.

But what does God’s Word say? Today we are going to learn a new verse!

Learning The Bible Verse: (5-8 Minutes)

Hand out the “Trail Mix” snack (because we are learning how to “follow God”)

Look up this month’s Bible verse in the Bible. Have the kids look it up in the Bible’s provided. Don’t look it up for them, but guide them to show them how to look it up.

Verse: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

Divide the groups up into two smaller groups. Give each group a question:

  1. How can God’s word be a lamp to our feet
  2. How can God’s word be a light to our path

After they have discussed this, have them share what they concluded

BIG GROUP QUESTION: How can you, at your age, follow God? What does that mean? What does that look like during the week?

ACTIVITY: with the two teams see who can get the verse pasted up on the verse board in the right order first. Do a ready, set, go and see who can win.

Abraham/Following God (K-1) (Free Sunday School Lessons for Children)

Date Class Scripture Theme
October 4/09 K-1
Genesis 12-15 Following God (the story of Abraham)

Prepared by: Teresa Klassen

Introducing the big idea (5 Minutes – keep it moving so kids stay tuned in)

Today we are going to talk about a man named Abram and how he trusted God and followed Him. God told Abram to move to a brand new country, and Abram obeyed God and followed Him, even though he didn’t know where he was going.

Are you good at following?

Let’s find out!

Game: Follow The Leader:

Teacher, you lead first, have all the kids line up behind you and have them follow you and do whatever you do. Then let a few children be the leader. Not every child will be able to lead, so later in the morning, have the children who couldn’t lead have other special jobs (like carrying the suitcases in the “Retelling The Story” section, for example)

Close: Good following!  Let’s listen to a story about Abram and find out how he followed God.

DVD: (3-5 Minutes)

Abram (this DVD walks through the major themes of Abraham’s life right up to the birth of Isaac)

* I don’t recall which video we used, whether it was from Read N Share or a YouTube video (?)

Retelling the Story (8 Minutes)

Teaching Tip: To help kids remember the story, ask questions as you go. For example, instead of saying Abram’s name all the time, randomly ask a question like, “God told….hm…what was his name again?” and let the children tell you it was Abram. Do this a few times.  Or reinforce the point by saying, “God told Abram to do what?” That’s right: follow him.

Props needed:  A few Suitcases, each child has a pillow. Let someone different carry the suitcases. For the suitcase, have a teddy bear in one, some plates and cutlery in another, etc. Stop Signs

Jesus invites us to follow Him because He wants to guide our life in a good way.

Some people decide to follow Him, and some people don’t.

What do you think you should do?

The Bible tells us that there was a man named Abram who trusted God and wanted to follow Him.  Let’s pretend where we are sitting now was Abram’s house. Abram liked his house and where he lived; he actually lived in a big tent. He had lots of stuff. But one day, God said to Abram, “I have a wonderful promise for your life. I want you to pack up all your things and move to a different place and then I will show you what I promised you.”

  • Abram could have argued.
  • He could have said no.
  • But Abram didn’t argue with God and he didn’t say no.
  • He trusted God.
  • So when God said, follow me, Abram followed him.

So let’s take our suitcase and our pillows and go to another city, just like Abram did. Abram didn’t know where he was going to end up, he just followed God. (Have the kids follow you, each with a pillow and some carrying the suitcases. Come to the next place that says Stop). OK. God told Abram to stop and set up camp.

Have the kids unpack and lay out their pillows like they are setting up camp.

Ahhh. It’s nice to not be travelling. Abram set up his new home and was starting to get settled in. When, God said, Abram…I have a wonderful promise for you. I want you to pack up your things and follow me once again.”

  • Abram could have argued.
  • He could have said no.
  • But Abram didn’t argue with God and he didn’t say no.
  • He trusted God.
  • So when God said, follow me, Abram followed him.

(Have the kids pack everything up, and pick up their pillows and move to the next place that says stop and then have the kids unpack and lay out their pillows.)

This looks right. God said Abram could stop here and set up camp. So Abram set up his new home and was starting to get settled in. When, God said, Abram…I have a wonderful promise for you. I want you to pack up your things and follow me once again.”

  • Abram could have argued.
  • He could have said no.
  • But Abram didn’t argue with God and he didn’t say no.
  • He trusted God.

So when God said, follow me, Abram followed him.

(Have the kids pack everything up, and pick up their pillows and move to the next place that says stop and then have the kids unpack and lay out their pillows.)

Well…God had Abram move lots more times. And every time, Abram didn’t argue. He listened to God and followed Him.  And at the end of Abram’s long, long trip, packing and unpacking, God made a very special promise to Abram that even though he was very, very old and his wife Sarah was very, very old, they were going to have a baby named Isaac. They didn’t even think it was possible to have a baby because they were so old, but God’s promises always come true.

Abram knew that he could trust God’s Word and He could follow God.

Just like Abram, we can trust God’s Word and follow God.

But what does God’s Word say? Today we are going to learn a new verse! And I have some things to help us out.

Learning The Bible Verse: (5-10 Minutes)

  • Make pictures to illustrate the verse
  • Then show them the action that goes with each picture – most kids will be able to read “Is A” and “And A” in the verse but clap twice to give them something to do…
  • Then go over it with actions…standing near the pictures so they can “cheat”
  • Say the verse reference and tell them that you are going to learn the verse for 3 weeks and on week three if they can remember where the verse is found you will give them some stickers!

Verse: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105


Your:             Point out, away from yourself

Word:             Open your hands like a Bible

Is A:            Clap twice

Lamp:            Make a “tent” over your head, like a lampshade

To:            Two fingers like a peace sign

My:            Cross your arms over your chest

Feet:            Point down with both hands to your feet

And A:            Clap twice

Light:            Hold your finger up like a candle, and use the other hand to wiggle your fingers and imitate a flame

To:            Two fingers like a peace sign

My:            Cross your arms over your chest

Path:            Smooth two hands out in front of you to show a path

Psalm One hundred and nineteen verse one hundred and five (“Who has ever counted to a hundred??? Well this verse is found in chapter one hundred and nineteen verse one hundred and five!!!”)

Reinforce (5-8 minutes) – Following God Treasure Hunt

** Have them save their prizes for the small group time.

Abram knew God’s Words were a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. He didn’t even know where he was going, but God spoke to him and showed him the way. Abram followed God and trusted the promises that were in God’s Word.

How can you follow God?

Well, let’s think about that a little bit. I have a map here. Let’s see if we are good at following…(you will have maps with these questions and a dotted line to where the answer is, along with a little prize. Have a child pick a map and then have all the kids help you find where the map leads to)

Map 1:             Where can we find out how we can follow Jesus every day? (Map shows directions to a Bible, have the kids help you figure it out. In the Bible will be an explanation and a prize of some stickers).

Paper inside Bible says: “Good job on following! When you want to find out how you can follow Jesus, you can read the Bible. It is full of promises for you, and it talks about what Jesus is like. So if you ever have questions about Jesus or how He would like to help you lead a good life. Read your Bible.”

Map 2:             What if I want to talk to Jesus, what can I do? (Map shows directions to a picture of a child praying, the praying child is on a box and the box has some nut-free “trail mix” in it…explain that people eat trail mix when they are following a map and going on a journey )

Paper inside the box says: “Good job on following! When you want to talk to Jesus you just talk to Jesus. He loves it when people want to talk to him and follow him. You don’t have to use any special words or be in any special place. Anytime, anywhere, Jesus wants to talk to you!”

Map 3:             What if you want to follow Jesus, but think he might be too busy for you? (Map leads to a picture of Jesus welcoming children. Read the explanation and then give the children their prize – these are little flashlights or glowsticks to remind them that God’s Word is like a light)

Paper inside the box says: “Good job on following! Jesus is never, never, never too busy for you. He is always with you. So if you are awake or asleep or at school or at home or at a friends, he is always there. And His words are like a lamp to your feet, showing you how to live, knowing what right and wrong are, helping you to live God’s way.”

What About You? (8 Minutes) (this is for small group leaders)

During our small group time, kids can eat their trail mix while we continue

1.            What was the name of the man in our story? (Abram)

2.            What did God ask him to do? (Follow him)

3.            What are ways that we can follow God? (Obey him, pray to him, be loving to people around us…)

Make sure you pray with the kids, and encourage them to pray or thank God for one thing (things like, “Thank you God that I can follow you.” Or “Thank you that you are always with me” or “Thank you that your Word is like a light”